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The blogging world isn’t all about text, but a lot is. You constantly have to find new ways to keep triggering your reader, to keep them following you. And that new potential followers know where to find you. That your articles are also shared. All this can be quite a challenge. However, these 6 tips for better blog posts will get you a long way. Why you want to write better blog posts Continuing to renew yourself contributes to the…

8 Steps To Lower Bounce Rate I will show you how you can reduce your bounce rate will be a breeze with the eight steps in this article. What is a bounce rate? If you use Google Analytics, the term bounce rate must be familiar to you. But do you know what it means? A short explanation: Bounce rate (don’t confuse with exit rate) is the percentage of sessions where a single page loads. The visitor does not go to…

7 Must Have Tool For Bloggers There are lot of online tools that make life as a blogger a lot easier and/or more fun? Today I am listing my favorites. 1. Google Analytics It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Google. Okay, I’d like to understand their algorithms just a little better, but their tools are genius. Google Analytics is a free tool that gives you insight into your statistics in many ways. Not only about how…

7 Facts About Blogging Today Blogging is more popular than ever and more and more persons are diving into it each day. However here are 7 Facts About Blogging you should note. 1. The length of a message does matter. Research shows that blog articles with more than 1,500 words get backlinks and are shared faster. Use background information & quotes to give your articles more body. 2. The credibility of a blog is based on two things: quality content and good design.…

The fact that wordpress makes blogging easier yet there are some things we do that are wrong and I will list them here. 1. Slugs too long For those who don’t know what a slug is, that’s the URL of your final post. Depending on the settings of the permalinks , WordPress determines these in combination with your title. Do you have a very long title? Then your slug becomes very long and Google has some trouble…

Especially for the bloggers who started following me after the launch in December 2016; here are the most important tips at random. Good luck! Start with WordPress . Feel free to call me a walking billboard, but I just swear by WordPress. It has a lot of possibilities and it is also feasible for beginners to work with this. Plugins allow you to completely customize your blog. Have patience. Don’t look at your fellow bloggers who have been at it for years. You…

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